Our Community
Our Vision
A gender inclusive community where the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Adolescents and Young People are promoted, respected and enjoyed.
Our Mission
Mobilize, Galvanize and Amplify Adolescents and Young People’s voices into meaningful actions and participation through information imparting, knowledge and skills sharing, volunteerism and community service.

Our Youth
Kenya, just like many other African countries is young, vibrant and energetic; with over 70% below the age of 35 years old. We are young and we need to do more. With rising levels of unemployment, uneven distribution of resources, low access to health care services, ever day rising and unwanted crimes, accompanied by drug abuse; we are consistently losing our youth to frustration and discrimination. Our voices continuously remain marginalized, and our contributions to society undervalued. We must do more, because we have to, we need to, and because we can.
For it is our right, our lives and our future that depends on it; our community looks up to us, and our society needs us.
As Kenyans, and as youths, African youths, citizens and people alike, we must commit and meaningfully engage, and participate through volunteerism and community service in co-creating and imparting the voices and active participation of young people in the day to day decision making processes that affect our lives and communities.

More about our community. Visit our social media handles: Click Here